Smartphone SOS: Alternatives to Rice for Wet Phones

Don't use rice to dry your phone! We reveal unexpected ways to save your waterlogged device.

Alternatives to Rice for Wet Phones

We’ve all been there - the dreaded moment when your phone accidentally falls into water. Whether it’s a toilet, sink, or pool, water damage is a common issue for smartphones. And for years, the go-to solution has been to put the phone in rice, hoping that the grains will absorb the moisture and save your device. But according to Apple, this method may actually do more harm than good. In this article, we’ll explore Alternatives to rice for wet phones.

Apple says not to put wet iPhones in uncooked rice. Here’s what to do instead.
Apple tells iPhone users not to put wet devices in rice because small grain particles could cause damage.

The Rice Method: Myth or Reality?

The Belief Behind the Method

The idea behind using rice to save a wet phone is that the grains will absorb the moisture and dry out the device. This belief is based on the fact that rice is a desiccant, meaning it has the ability to absorb moisture from the air. However, this method has never been scientifically proven to work.

The Reality

In fact, Apple has recently warned against using rice to save a wet phone. According to the company, rice can actually cause more damage to your device. When rice is submerged in water, it can release starch and dust particles that can get inside your phone and cause further damage. Additionally, the small grains can get stuck in the charging port or headphone jack, making it difficult to charge or use your phone.

What to Do Instead

So, if using rice is not the best solution, how to dry out a phone without rice? Here are alternatives to rice for wet phones that are recommended by experts.

Turn Off Your Phone Immediately

The first thing you should do when your phone gets wet is to turn it off immediately. This will prevent any short circuits or further damage to the device.

Remove the SIM Card and Any Other Removable Parts

If your phone has a removable battery, SIM card, or SD card, remove them as soon as possible. This will help prevent any damage to these parts and make it easier to dry out the phone.

Dry the Phone with a Soft Cloth

Using a soft cloth, gently wipe off any excess water from the phone. Be careful not to press too hard or rub the phone, as this can push water further into the device.

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

Using a vacuum cleaner can help remove any water that may be trapped in the phone. Be sure to use a low setting and hold the vacuum a few inches away from the phone to avoid causing any damage.

Use Silica Gel Packets

Silica gel packets, often found in shoe boxes or vitamin bottles, are another desiccant that can help absorb moisture from your phone. Place the phone and the packets in an airtight container and leave it for a few hours. The silica gel will absorb the moisture from the phone, helping to dry it out.

Use a Dehumidifier

If you have a dehumidifier at home, you can place your phone near it to help dry it out. The dehumidifier will help remove moisture from the air, which can speed up the drying process.

Use a Drying Agent

There are also specific drying agents available on the market that are designed to remove moisture from electronic devices. These products often come with a special bag or container that you can place your phone in, along with the drying agent. Follow the instructions on the product carefully to ensure the best results.

Bring It to a Professional

If your phone has been submerged in water for a long period of time or has suffered significant damage, it’s best to bring it to a professional. They will have the tools and expertise to properly dry out your phone and repair any damage that may have occurred.

How to Prevent Water Damage

Of course, the best solution is to prevent water damage from happening in the first place. Here are some tips on how to get moisture out of phone and prevent any damage.

Use a Waterproof Case

If you know you’ll be around water, such as at the beach or pool, consider investing in a waterproof case for your phone. This will provide an extra layer of protection and give you peace of mind.

Keep Your Phone Away from Water

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to keep your phone away from water as much as possible. Avoid using your phone in the bathroom, near sinks, or while doing any water-related activities.

Be Careful with Liquids

If you do need to use your phone near liquids, be extra careful. Make sure the phone is not too close to the edge of a table or counter, and be mindful of any spills.

Use a Screen Protector

A screen protector can also provide some protection against water damage. While it won’t make your phone waterproof, it can help prevent water from seeping into the device through any cracks or scratches on the screen.


While using rice to save a wet phone may seem like a quick and easy solution, it’s not the best option. In fact, it can actually cause more damage to your device. There are alternatives to rice for wet phones.

So, follow the steps outlined in this article to properly dry out your phone and prevent any further damage. And remember, prevention is key - be mindful of your phone’s surroundings and take precautions to keep it safe from water damage.

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